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Kevin M. Flanagan, Ph.D.

University of Pittsburgh

Kevin M. Flanagan is a Visiting Lecturer in Film Studies and English at the University of Pittsburgh. His main research interests include British film and television, arts documentary, adaptation studies, genre, and media history. He received his Ph.D. from Pitt in 2015 (dissertation - THE BRITISH WAR FILM: 1939-1980: CULTURE, HISTORY AND, GENRE). In June 2016, he was a Guest Curator at the British Film Institute, where he co-curated (with Matt Harle) the “Architecture on TV” season. He contributed essay and an audio commentary to the critically acclaimed BFI blu-ray/DVD boxed set KEN RUSSELL: THE GREAT COMPOSERS (2016). Flanagan is editor of KEN RUSSELL: RE-VIEWING ENGLAND’S LAST MANNERIST (2009, Scarecrow Press) and has contributed essays to the JOURNAL OF BRITISH CINEMA AND TELEVISION, FRAMEWORK, CRITICAL QUARTERLY, SOUTH ATLANTIC REVIEW, ADAPTATION, and many others. He recently contributed the “Videogame Adaptation” chapter to the OXFORD HANDBOOK OF ADAPTATION STUDIES (2017, ed. Thomas Leitch) and has recently edited a special issue of WIDESCREEN JOURNAL on the same subject.