Ray DiSanza is a Postcolonialist by training, a scholar of popular culture by proclivity, and a competent generalist and department level administrator because… bills. He is a member of the English Department at Suffolk County Community College, where he teaches Freshman Composition, ALP, Introduction to Literature, Literature as Film, African American Literature, Contemporary Global Literature, and Contemporary Literature. His scholarly interests are varied, spanning from his St. John’s (Queens, NY) dissertation on Postcolonial authors’ use of classical mythology as a site of resistance against hegemonic rule, to gender studies in Doctor Who, to the close study of the motifs that connect the Three Flavours Cornetto Trilogy. He has presented papers at MAPACA, NEPCA, PCA/ACA, EUPOP, and PCA International, in addition to the occasional non-PCA affiliated conference. You can follow him on twitter at @profdisanza.
Ray DiSanza
Suffolk County Community College