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Curated and edited by Jeff McMahon


Al Evangelista is a theatre and dance maker/performer on faculty at Virginia Tech. A recent graduate of the University of Michigan’s School of Music, Theatre, and Dance, Al’s creative process engages with social justice and performance studies.

Isaac Kolding is an MA student in Literature at Arizona State University. He is especially interested in 19th century U.S. literature and its aesthetic and political legacy.

Nicole L. Martin is the Director of Academic Affairs for the Lewis Honors College and a faculty affiliate with the African American and Africana Studies program at the University of Kentucky. Her teaching and research interests rest at the intersection of performance studies, critical race studies, black feminisms, and critical pedagogy.

Donta McGilvery is a PhD Theatre for Youth student at Arizona State University. He is the winner of the 2019 ASU, MLK Jr. Student Servant-Leadership award, a 2018-2019 ASU Spirit of Service Scholar, and is recognized as an ASU Changemaker. He is also the co-founder and co-artistic director of the Phoenix based community theatre company, Sleeveless Acts.

Jeff McMahon is a writer and performer. Currently an Associate Professor in the School of Film, Dance and Theatre, Arizona State University, he lives in Arizona and New York.

Caress Russell is a performance poet and arts activists who combines beatbox and theatrical elements to engage audiences around challenging topics. As the 2017 Campus Activities Spoken Word Artist of the Year, Caress is currently pursuing her MFA in Performance at Arizona State University.

Daniel Bird Tobin is a theatre archaeologist who builds theatrical performances from the stories embedded in everyday artifacts. With a graduate degree in performance from Arizona State Univ., he is currently a Post-MFA Fellow in Applied Performance and Faculty Fellow in the Center for Communicating Science at Virginia Tech.

Sabrina Treacy is an avid reader and writer, specifically on subjects like race, law, and political theory. Brooklyn-based, she enjoys running, taking dance classes, and talking to her mom on the phone.